Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Minor Hitch in our Gittalong!

August 1, 2013

Lots to catch up on here!  No wifi for several days!  

One last stop at the North Pole, and Den thought it would be fitting for me to wear my parka, sipping a glass of my FAVORITE wine in front of the North Pole!  
The sign on the base of the pole tells of it's history!  

"This pole is one of 2 manufactured in 1951, as part of a campaign to properly mark the Top of the World.... After a Grand Tour of the U.S., it's twin was pushed out of the tail hatch of an Alaska Airlines DC-4 over the Geographic North Pole on the Arctic night of December 11, 1972.. After being re-discovered (in an old Junk Yard), This pole has been prominently displayed in it's current location since the Dedication of the Park on July 4, 1976 by the North Pole Jaycees.."
This park is only about 85 miles or so from the True North Pole..

What this picture DOESN'T tell you, is that it was about 83 Degrees here this day!! LOL!

We drove down to Tok from Fairbanks and stayed at the Tok Rv park for one night.

Trees, very quiet at night and nice.

We left Tok on Aug 2, and we were very near the Canadian border, when we heard a 'POP" and Den got out to investigate, and discovered 2 flats on passenger side of the rig.. bummer....  SO, he backed the rig up about 200 feet into a parking lot of the only GAS station we had seen for 115 miles BACK, and checked it out... the nice guy in the service station made a call and the closest guy who MIGHT be able to help him, was in Beaver Creek, about 25 more miles down the road... so, Den changed out the blown tire for our spare, and aired up the other one with a rock imbedded in it, to keep it from going flat and dropped me and the trailer in that gas station and drove on to Beaver Creek, which is back in the Yukon.

This pointy rock was probably thrown INTO the back tire when the first one blew..

So, with our poor tire on our rim, he drove through the border, explaining what had happened, and took the tire to the guy in Beaver Creek, and was back in about 3 hours, with a loaner tire, and Good News!  He hitched up , and we drove on to Beaver Creek to a campground - no wifi but quiet and the closest one to a 'fix' for our problem.


This area through here was quite swampy, which always surprises me up here, and we have seen a lot of swampy areas up here.

Canadian Border again.

We had a VERY nice view of Resurrection Bay as we ate our lunch at a pullout!

Then we began to see more and more mountains with snow on them off in the distance...  

Got our campground at Beaver Creek, he relaxed a bit from all of his running for the day and the next Morning, he was on the road at 5:00 A.M. to go BACK to Tok to pick up 2 new tires, and THEN back through customs again (the guy in there was REALLY getting a kick out of Den going back and forth (in a good natured way!).  Back to our C.G. at Beaver Creek, went over to the tire guy next to our park and the guy mounted both new tires and was only charging $30.00 for all of his mounting, unmounting, etc.  AND the loaner tire... Den paid him more for all his trouble and doing this on a Saturday as well. We were veery Blessed that this did not happen on a narrow mountain road, that it was not RAINING and that the tires could at least be FOUND and not have to be ordered and shipped...  Even though it was a LONG couple of days, all is well that ends well, and the tire guy gave the pointy rock to Den and said - maybe your wife can make a necklace out of it, and By Golly when we get HOME I will do exactly THAT! LOL!  
No wifi at Beaver Creek, so no posting from there....

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