Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pioneer Park, Fairbanks!

July 30, 2013

Today we went over to the Pioneer Park, which is not far from our RV park

We were pleasantly surprised to find that this is not just a kid's playground!  Lots of Carvings,

 and a Steam Train, built for this very park.

 We went to the museum, which contained many interesting pieces, including a hand made cradle built by a man who was originally from Newton, Kansas, where some friends of ours live!

And inside the Riverboat, which has become a museum (was moved to this site).

All of these pictures are of 1/100th scale dioramas, LOTS of them!  They depict the area for the last 200 years of the many small towns and settlements around this area. WONDERFUL work!

At another little log house, we met a very nice young man who did carvings on Moose antlers, dear horns, and ivory and bone.. Loved his work!!!!!

Left there in time to go home and see our friends one more time before we leave this area - we are headed for Tok tomorrow....  Don't know when we will have wifi the next time! Till then - BYE!

North Pole!

July 29, 2013

This morning, we took off for the North Pole! Of Course, TG had to make his appearance....

The history of this pole is here:

Flag poles

And the Wonderful Christmas store!  All of the "pictures" on here are made from hand painted tiles, then fired and tiles are applied to the outside of this building.. They are very intricate and well done....

 Christmas tree with toys under.

And then there is THIS: ... I waited and waited, but Santa did not arrive.....

More tiles on the outside walls.

And there are several reindeer in pens around here at the park.. their horns are all in velvet..

 and more tiles:

Inside, it is a WONDERLAND!

Note the TIME left till Christmas!!!!!! YIKES!

This Nativity is nearly life sized and under a staircase....

This "Diorama" inside a TV type cabinet is really cute!!!

Another wall outside with the tiles.

The other half...

A pair of wonderful paintings of the Aurora Borealis behind the North Pole Santa house.

The visitor center here at the North Pole.

Fun day and I accidentally "found" a few things............

Then we went to the "Knotty Shop", just a short distance from the North Pole - they had WONDERFUL sculptures of different critters outside - made from the burls of trees!

Prehistoric Pteradactile Skeeter!!!!!

All of the posts on the building's porch were made from burls!

 Great Taxidermy inside, too!

And HUGE planters out front!  These flowering Kale were HUGE!

Moose in an alcove.

A Moose head made from a burl!

Den trying to "tame this skeeter.....''

Finally wandered home by dinnertime....

Tomorrow is Pioneer Park....