Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 15, 2013

Went to downtown Seward today for a day of sightseeing and shopping and eating! LOL! 
Hit all of the wonderful quality shops - much more than the usual "T-shirt and cheap trinkets" type of places.  

This great sign greeted us!

Looking up and down the street here - pretty much the main street.

Murals all over these sweet small towns!  Painted on almost every available outside wall of buildings!  All done by local artists.

More of the downtown area - looking down toward the bay.

This building had a very interesting shingle treatment on the front of the building.

This is for all of the Gardeners out there: The flowering baskets and pots outside the stores and gas stations and grocery stores are AMAZING!!!!!  So Healthy and vibrant...

 Even the Weeds are pretty!!!!!!

And I found the moss on this rock to be interesting, too.


 This was growing up between the rocks along the path to the glacier.

     These next  3 pictures are a long mural that was painted on the side of a building.

After a great lunch at a place called "Chattermark" where we had a GREAT burger and Alaskan bottled Root Beer - VERY creamy and wonderful!  

Then back into the Chugach National Forest.

to get to the Kenai Fjords National Park.  TG had to get in on the act.....

Runoff from the Glacier.

That beautiful blue color of the ice is showing here along with the ash deposits rom the last Volcano ash that drifted.

This HUGE boulder almost dwarfs the Visitor's Center!

On the way out of the Park, this is the sight we saw!  Two Brown bears just wandering down the middle of the road... I tried to get my lens changed to the larger one, but didn't get it changed before they went into the brush....

 Also, on our hike up to get closer to the glacier, we DID hear a bear in the brush - the Ranger came around and told us that they have been moving through that area quite a bit in the last few days....  Wish we had seen them but not THAT close!  

More tomorrow of the cruise.

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