Saturday, July 13, 2013

July 12, 2013

So, Friday Den was up at 3:30, as excited as a kid at Christmas!  This is his first Charter fishing excursion! This is Cook's Inlet where they headed. The group of 5 fisherman and crew pulled out of our park at 4:00 A.M. and with the short road over to the beach access, they climbed out of the 'paddywagon' on the back of the truck... These are the tractors launch the fishing boats.  They used to be used for skidding logs but this is now their only purpose..

Ready to load the boat.

Just as the Sun is beginning to rise!

Launched and heading out for the "Secret Spot"..

 The Crew said that this is Mt Redoubt, a Volcano that last erupted on 2009, sending 1/16 of an inch of ash over the towns of Seldovia and Homer..   No further activity from this one as far as ash, but this does spew steam  often.

The Amazing sun rising!

This is another one of the "Dormant Volcanos". This one is Mt. Illiamna ..  (from the brochure: No recent activity from this volcano except swarms of earthquakes, some with a magnitude of 3) YIKES!  It is BEAUTIFUL tho!

Den's first catch of the day!!!!  He needs to step on it to keep it in the boat - for EVIDENCE that he was here! LOL! Guide said it weighed 28#. Not BAD for his first!

Mt. Illiamna in full daylight.. Lovely....

Limit caught and back to shore!

All hooked up and ready to head back to SHOW OFF!

Here is the day's catch for the 5 guys total - limit is 2, standard.

These were all fairly the same size, give or take.

And here is his FIRST one! 

And the second was just a bit heavier - they came in at 28# and 30#.  He was very pleased! 

So, the tally comes to:
  • Charter fee:  $209.00
  • Cost of one day fishing license:  $20.00
  • Packaging, flash freezing and shipping to Illinois: $176.00
  • Cost of trip to our 49th State to GET us here so he could DO this : UNDERTIMED at this point


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