Saturday, July 20, 2013


July 20, 2013

Got to our Campground here in Anchorage on Wednesday, and have been SO busy we have not had time to post since! 

Anchorage population of 280,000. Average cold temp in the winter - 20 deg.

This is our camp site at the Golden Nugget RV Park here in Anchorage - in town, the usual close together, gravel sites.. $43.00 per night, basic local TV channels (very limited), but GREAT WIFI!!!!!!  Also a book exchange in the office!  Loaded up!


There are 3 Airports here - a Military one, Commuter/ski plane one and an International Airport - noisy during the day, but VERY quiet at night!  
Weather has been EXCELLENT - 3 days of Sunny, 70 Degree weather, rain last night, but sunny again now about noon.  
Pleasantly surprised to find Diesel at the lowest price of $4.13, but the Safeway price is $4.15 for diesel, but with the Safeway card, it is $4.05..
NO Sales Tax in Anchorage!  What price is marked is what it COSTS... LOVE that!

Went downtown shopping and sightseeing these last 2 days and here is some of what we have seen! 

Carvings and Critters ALL over! 

The FIRST permanent Building downtown - 1915

There are LOTS of photos of the town from it's earliest days

The Kenai Fjords charter Cruise has an office here where you can book your Cruise and this Diorama was in the window front:

That is the Cruise we took when we were in Seward a few days and it was WONDERFUL!  This shows the cruise boats and the Glacier and you get to see up close and personal when the Glacier is "Calving", large chunks of ice falling into the water as the Glacier moves on down the mountain.

Then at the Visitor's Center here, was a LARGE boulder of Jade from the Arctic Circle !!   It weighs 5,114 #!!  Jade is the Alaskan Gem Stone.

Another one of the great photos, this one from the '40's, of 5th Avenue.

Here is a small Engine from the Alaskan Railroad - narrow gauge RR.

And the Wonderful flowers are JUST GORGEOUS!  Every store has hanging baskets or planters or pots of them - they are watered and cared for by a truck that stops at each one and waters, feeds, or tends to them as needed....  

Closeup of the flowers at the Visitor's Center.

And these were at the Harley Dealer's:

 Ahh, yes, the HARLEY DAVIDSON Dealer!

Uhmmm... uh... well, looks like I won't get ANYMORE new Jewelry...  seems I have fallen in LOVE with this one!!!!  

And here is a photo from inside the Sales Building - REALLY neat! Probably 20's era.

Painting behind the Sales Desk.

Oh DARN!  Now I LOVE this one more - very easy to get on and off, much lower to the ground - the lowest one that Harley makes, so the salesman said...

 But WHEREVER will I put my PURSE??  Backpack perhaps?  Not sure if a backpack will hold all my "Stuff"...  Sorry Doc Russ - no money left for a T-shirt....  Just HAD to have this one!!!!!

This Harley Bear is all made from old car bumpers - he stands outside the dealership.. He was created locally in 2007.  NEAT, HUH?

And last night we had the most BEAUTIFUL sunset at 11:00!!  It changed color every minute - I took about 20 pictures but weeded it down to just these few! I will frame one or 2 when I get home - might even have one put on canvas and stretched..... but WHICH one?  Like asking a mom which Kid is her Favorite - Impossible to answer that question!   You love each child for different things, but you love them all....

I took these all outside the living room slide window.  Just stunning!  

And some views of the mountains around Anchorage - as we have been going to and from town.. Just beautiful!

Den went off to the a gun shop, where "Alaskan Guns" is filmed - at least I THINK that is what the show is called - it's a Guy thing, so I have never watched it...  I am sure I will have pix from HIS camera to post when he returns!!!   

More later possibly, and tomorrow we head for Denali - will be staying outside the park, I think for 4 days.  Don't know if we will have wifi or NOT... Hoping to see LOTS of critters!!!!  

And here is the STAR of our trip here to Anchorage!  I have carried a magazine ad around for a year and a HALF with the website for this Jeweler in Anchorage, and we went to see him and this is what Den got for me! 
The pieces are all quartz with gold veins in them  - necklace, earrings, bracelet and ring..  Wonderful Jeweler has been in business since 1967, and now daughter and son in law are in the business with him - HIGHLY recommend him if you are EVER in need of a VERY special gift - for someone you love or yourself! Men's and Women's jewelry.
Do I sound like an AD???? LOL!! 

That is all for now!  D

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