Saturday, July 13, 2013

July 11, 2013

Left Homer this morning about 9:30, and 45 minutes later we were at our Campground in Ninilchik..  This is where Den will be taking the Halibut Charter out in the Morning.. The morning's catch was just being unloaded and cut up by the time we got settled!  There were about 5 people on the morning group and 2 BIG ones were caught!  By the time I got back to the cutting tables, the biggest one was already being processed.. The largest was a 91 Pounder!  The cutter can process a WHOLE fish in 90 Seconds FLAT! I could not believe how fast he was.!!!!!    Next largest one caught was 81#.. and several in the 45 lb range.  

We had met a couple of brothers back at Homer who had told me that Halibut had both eyes on the same side of their head... I REALLY thought they were pulling my leg so had to take this pic!!!!!   (Sorry, Chuck and Mike for doubting you!!!!!! LOL!)

This is one of the boats they use - the second boat from that morning's trip was already pulled over to another area.

For the afternoon trip, Female Power took over!  The 2 biggest ones from that trip out were 45 pounders and this is one of the Ladies who caught it!  It happened to be her Birthday!
I missed getting a pic of the other gal who caught that second 45 pounder, but she was just Tickled, too!   As you can see, these fish have a dark side and a white side, and they lay on the bottom with that white side down and the dark side up as camouflage, while waiting for prey to flow with the current... I am sure all of you Fishy guys KNOW this stuff, but it was ALL news to me!  lol!  Also, I was surprised that there was no "fishy smell" to these at ALL....  Another tidbit: the 'cheeks of the halibut are PRIZED, as they have the texture of scallops... I think I would LOVE them! as I love scallops!


I am almost back to 'Fluless', hoping by tomorrow I will be BACK to ME.... I do NOT like being knocked down....

Will be posting pix of Den's Trip out!!!!!  Stay tuned!

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