Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 2 -

One last post before we pull out tomorrow morning for the Ferry to take us across the bay to Whittier…  Hoping we will find a spot on the parking lot to get ready for the Midnight fireworks!  Just hoping I can stay awake for it!!!! lol!

The last time our bird will be clean till 'who knows when'!!  Den got her all shined up for her boat ride!

Took a ride around Valdez Bay waterfront yesterday afternoon, and saw hundreds of fishing boats! This is just a small portion of them!

Valdez Bay with a fishing boat heading out for a great catch! Loved the look of this island out there…..

A trio of fishing boats heading out, with the mountain in camouflage of fog..  

One last shot of the mountain behind our campground…

It has rained here every day since we got here in Valdez, so did not get to see all of the mountains in all of their glory here - everyone says it was 80 degrees and sunny without a cloud in the sky the whole week before we got here…… whining! 

 Cooked breakfast for honey this morning - sausage gravy and biscuits, then stuffed the crock pot with beef, carrots, corn, maters, barley and seasoning and a can of V-8 and let her rip… Great dinner with some of the fresh baked sourdough bread that is famous up here - YUM!  I have my hot chocolate ready to heat and take on the ferry tomorrow, I am all SET!!!!!!

Not sure what to expect from now on - we will be up at 4:45 in the morning, to be loaded onto the ferry at 6:00 A.M. and should arrive in Whittier early afternoon… According to the news here tonight, there are fires in Denali now and  up at Chena Hot Springs… not sure what that will mean for wildlife watching or even the possibility of going up to Fairbanks!  More places to visit before we start heading that direction tho….  

Will post when I can!

1 comment:

  1. Even though it's not been sunny and bright, your pictures are wonderful! I love the ones of the boats going out.
