Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Den Flies to Barrow!

July 28, 2013

This morning, Den was up at 6:00 to catch his flight to Barrow - at the TOP of the world!!!!!  Back to bed for me, till about 8:00.. I took my Sweet TG = Travelocity Gnome.... down to the Chena River bank down at the end of our RV park and took his picture as he is "Making sure the kayakers are doing it correctly"..  a family of Mom, Dad and the kids.. were having SO much fun!!
I vacuumed, sorted out the fridge, added my new beads to my Pandora bracelet, rearranged the rest of my jewelry,  read, watched a Movie.. really enjoyed my day!!!

Den was home from his flight by 6:30, and here is how HIS day went!!!!!

He left about 6:45 and the van picked him up to head on out to the Airport.

Flight Company

Loading in!

Airborne from Fairbanks!

Landed at Coldfoot, for refueling and purchasing lunch for those who did not bring their own..  they DO have enough fuel to make the trip from Fairbanks to Barrow when they LEAVE Fairbanks, but if there is a problem with the landing strip at Barrow or if it is so socked in with fog that they cannot land, they HAVE to have enough fuel to make the return trip to Fairbanks...  

Not a sophisticated landing strip at Coldfoot camp!

Some of the buildings in Coldfoot:

Main office for the motel.

Motel "rooms" are a conjoined group of trailers.....

The Generator that powers the whole town of 12,,,,


Town post office...

Refueled and ready for take off.....

Above the Tundra on the way to the Arctic Ocean

Very fogged in at Barrow, but they DID manage to land - here is one of the snow machines used all winter....

Here is a "Geodesic Dome", erected as a "Trial' building, to see how well it will hold up and perform in this frozen North area.

 From the van giving the tour, Den caught these 3 little girls splashing in the puddles!  It just made him Laugh!!!

More shots of the town.

He saw whale bones at several locations.

Local art.

End of the road - never finished...

HUGE post office!  If it does not come here by ship or flown in by UPS, it comes through the post office....  - most store goods included.... This serves the whole town of population 4,500.

Fire Department for Barrow.

 One of the 4 grocery stores in Barrow

Here is the abandoned runways that is now used for Harvesting the whale - these days, as in OLD, every part of the whale is STILL used - in one way or another.... they winch it up onto the long flat space and begin the long process.

A road that was never completed.

More whale bones:

Airborne again for the return trip to Fairbanks: low hanging clouds with mountain range just below.....

Back safely to Fairbanks!

He really enjoyed this trip up to PAST the Arctic Circle!!!

I enjoyed MY day as well!!!!!!  It was 91 degrees here in Fairbanks today!!!!

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