Saturday, July 6, 2013

Another day in the North Country!

   Yesterday, the 4th, we didn't get up till late - slept 11 hours, we were exhausted from the long day on the ferry and drive to our campground here near Kenai.  We had an early lunch and went over to Kenai River mouth at Cook Inlet and walked the surf edge - I was surprised at what a wave surge there was! 

 Saw a whole bunch of teenagers having a BALL running in and out of that surf and it was COLD!  Only 50 degrees, and the water could not have been much warmer than 40 degrees…. They were having so much fun - and here we were all bundled up! LOL!

  I found some great rocks - some heart shaped ones and some just plain PURDY ones!  Then back in the truck and we went exploring - been up here in the wild North Country and STILL had not seen Moose, caribou, bears, Deer - till TODAY!  We actually saw 3 moose! (meece??) A mom and her baby, and then in another area - a female alone.

  They did not seem bothered by the truck or us taking pictures - probably used to it…

Finally found out what these beautiful lavender/blue flowers are - Lupines!!  they are ALL over up here, along roadsides, in yards, fields!  Wonderful! 

  Finally finished up the day by going to Pizza Hut for dinner - and a WONDERFUL Alaskan Amber ale (or beer?), anyway it was Smooth, creamy and gutsy - just the way I like it! Busy, Fun day!  

On the way back into our park, we saw this goofy Llama "posing'' for his photo ops!  He is one of the animals that are in our park for folks to see...  

Here is our site at the Diamond M park

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