Wednesday, July 17, 2013


July 17, 2013

One last picture of our river behind the campground we are leaving... and now heading to Anchorage.

Here is the Alaskan Railway, with the Scenic View Domed cars, which run from Seward all the way to Fairbanks.  We thought about it, but it is pricey one way, and then does not take you back that same day, so you would have to stay in a hotel or motel for the night, then catch it going back to your original site..  So 2 adults, Motel and the train 2 ways, could REALLY add up.. And we are traveling basically the same route as the train.... Would be fun to take a short trip, but .............

From Meadows to Mountains, to Cook Inlet and all of the wonderful mountain streams, Rivers and waterfalls.. you can see it all just by driving along... Wonderful!

And Always the wildflowers.  Fireweed and sort of a Queen Anne's Lace thing - both of these are considered weeds, but they sure are pretty!!!! ALL over Alaska, too!

This is the Turnagain Arm at the Cook Inlet.

 A lump of what must have been molten lava.

Another wildflower!

Our location - at the Turnagain Arm on the way to Anchorage.

We arrived here at our park, the Golden Nugget RV park a bit after 1:00 this afternoon, did all the last several days posting to catch up and now Going to have a glass of wine and CHILL OUT! Made up a batch of Guac, and have a cold one ready to enjoy - tomorrow we will go exploring! And hopefully find the Jewelry store that has the Quartz and gold jewelry that I have been coveting and saving for, for WELL over a year! Just hope I can afford it!!!!

Another day in this Paradise!  More tomorrow~

BTW:  Fuel prices in Anchorage are WAY down from what we have been paying!  Diesel is $4.15 here in Anchorage!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Donna another hot one here today. Yesterday was the hottest so far 86F!!! Have a non stop headache. Thankfully there was a bit of a breeze today so was albe to somethings done. I am not a hot weather person like it sunny but a bit cooler LOL Jimmy just loves it! Heard today that it has b een so hot the hens are laying hard boiled eggs.
