Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Finishing up in Stewart/Hyder

August 21, 2013

Went out exploring the town again - HOPING that the sun would come out AND/OR, bears would show up at Fish Creek! LOL
We were surprised to see so much moss on the trees here in Stewart!  Feels more like Southern Georgia or Florida or South Carolina, than Western Canada!  

This pretty waterfall is just one of MANY in any place with a steep rockface mountain bordering the roads or buildings.....

Downtown Hyder  Alaska - across the Bridge from Stewart, BC... Mostly 1 street long, with a jog......

This masonry building is the first one supposedly to be built in Alaska.  Description follows picture!

A few more buildings.....

No buildings are fancy, and some are a bit 'rough looking', like they have been abandoned, merely locked the door and walked away.

This boat dock is in the bay which basically separates Stewart, BC from Hyder, AK.

Out to Fish Creek AGAIN!!!!  Bears were STILL a "NO SHOW", but I finally remembered to take a few pictures of the nice wooden walkway, all along this section - allowing visitors to stand (SAFE DISTANCE AWAY) and watch the Bears feeding on the spawning salmon...  the season was just ending, as the 'game warden' informed us that they had only seen 2 or 3 bears all day for the last several days... bummer.....

Moss covered rocks along the bank.

Can't see it very well, but the fish are plentiful in the creek.

More mossy covered trees... Eerily beautiful....

The empty creek where bears are 'hoped to be', and were not there when we were....
This looks toward the Ranger's office.

The birds sure were enjoying the fish!!!!

Here is where we WERE......

Finally got a good reflection in this pool along the road back to our campground.

Downtown Stewart - a '57 Chevy wagon!  We sure don't see many of THOSE... My very first car was a '57 Chevy!

One last shot of 'downtown' Stewart....

Caught up on a LOT of posting I have missed with Blog being down for several days, as well as poor to non-existant wifi!

Tomorrow is our last day here - Den will do laundry while I catch up on cleaning and cooking so we will have meals for a few days ready to heat when we get to our next campgrounds...

Will try to get more caught up on As soon as I can get good wifi again - might be a few days......


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