Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rosedale/Bridal Falls, Tomorrow Vancouver Island

August 28, 2013

Here we are at our Campground in Rosedale, BC  This is actually an RV Resort. and All that that entails - water park, pool, hot tub, sauna, etc... 

Lots of Room between sites, and we were backed up to the forest with the Bridal Falls in it.  Total for 2 nights was $116.00.  Wifi and cable are extra but were EXCELLENT!  I had NO restrictions on bandwidth, so have been able to catch up on the last week's posts when I had very limited wifi.  

Bridal Falls is just right behind this park and about a 15 minute hike up to see it - and WHAT a pleasant surprise!  Those of you from the upper North West are probably USED to seeing moss covered trees and the ferns growing but I was SO taken by the Beauty of the late afternoon sun filtering through the moss on the branches.!!

Not much to add to these pictures, as the whole Falls and woods was AMAZING!

I think I will be framing this one below when we get home!!!!!

Tomorrow we will be leaving this area, taking the Ferry over to Vancouver Island for several days.  Hoping for good wifi!!!!!  I am SPOILED now!  LOL!
Hoping for good weather tomorrow again!

Keep watching, I will try to keep POSTING! 
Till then.........................


  1. Look in good !!! We can't wait till next year for our trip.

  2. Wow, those are narly yet beautiful trees! And Dennis looks a bit short in a couple of them. LOL! I bet the views were simply breathtaking. I tell you, you have quite the knack for photography! Such beautiful sights you have been able to enjoy on this trip. Is Vancouver Island the place with the gorgeous botanical gardens? I'm thinking it is, because I've always wanted to go there. Enjoy your travels and thank you for sharing all of these fabulous places!

    Cathy ♥
